Evony Wiki

As a copy of in game info, this wiki is good. I dunno what is it good for, but I miss:

  1. how to equip hero with an item. No info in game and info here
  2. the holy water table is nonsense, already upgraded many times without any holy water.

Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle \[ \left\lfloor \frac{3}{4}\left(\frac{N_{food}+N_{wood}N_{stone}+N_{iron}}{100}\right)\right\rfloor \] } This is my theory for the experience gained by a mayor from buildings. is the total amount needed. The function takes into account how int types work, too, as it's a Floor function. Without that, you'd see anomalies in the very low levels. Jayands 08:50, 1 September 2009 (UTC)

i dont get it when i recruit a hero at a low level its stats are higher than my heros iv had for a long time.-Jackerdoom

Wrong wrong wrong[]

Giving people advice to dismiss a high level intelligence hero or redistribute it costing hundreds, in some cases, of holy water is stupid. High intel heroes with an attack of 100+ are extremely useful for farming medals.
